We’re going global! Recently we were asked if we would prayerfully consider an expansion of our ministry with international students, and a reassignment in our ministry and service with the Assemblies of God World Missions — we accepted!
Ever since our teenage years in high school in West Africa, as Missionary Kids and “international students” ourselves, we have both carried a burden and calling to serve missionary kids & international students—serving as a youth pastor, discipling, and supporting their spiritual & social growth in various tangible ways. God has faithfully led us to fulfill that calling full-time since we were first approved as career missionaries in November 2003, continuing into this new year, and we couldn’t love it more!
With the blessing and encouragement of our leadership, we are joining the Missionary Kid staff team for AGWM. Kevin has been asked to bring his pastoral gifts in mentoring and discipleship particularly for MKs living in Africa and the Middle East, especially those living in difficult and remote areas. We will both serve and provide pastoral support each summer to the brand new Missionary Kids attending Pre-Field Orientation and to the “veteran” Missionary Kids returning to the US from the field for itineration, as well as being available as needed for mission retreats or conferences where MK care is needed anywhere in the world.
We appreciate your prayers as we adjust to this new assignment! This transition from serving approximately 700 students from about 50 countries (in Nairobi), to serving approximately 1400 students living in about 130 countries (AG MKs living worldwide) is a big change for us. We are very excited about what God has put in front of us for this next chapter of ministry, while at the same time we have also been grieving the change ahead, since it means that we will miss the daily interaction with the community and students that we love at Rosslyn Academy. Looking back over the past several weeks, we see that when we began feeling a major lack of peace about returning to Rosslyn next summer, God immediately brought this new assignment to our attention. We are trusting His leading! Kevin was able to assist the MK staff in South Africa for the all-Africa conference for AGWM over the New Year. He was honored to serve in a support role, and to see so many of the Missionary Kids who live all across the continent that we love dearly!
In the next couple of months, in addition to seeking the last remaining needs for our assigned support budget for our next term, Kevin will begin working with the MK staff as they plan upcoming ministry connections & as they develop strategies for mentoring and discipleship. Kevin will also join some of the MK staff for a youth retreat in Costa Rica, for MKs living in Latin America. A trip to Kenya is also on the docket in March, where Kevin will speak in chapel services at Rosslyn Academy.
- That our budget requirements are almost met! We only lack a little bit in our monthly support needs, and in our one-time expenses
- For safe travels for Kevin, a good all semester for all 3 of our kids, including Mary’s ability to complete it despite medical challenges
- For answer for Mary’s medical symptoms!!
- Wisdom in parenting & for each of our kid’s academic, physical and spiritual needs.
• Safe travels for Kevin as he speaks in churches, and for upcoming ministry trips this spring — for him to be a blessing & encouragement.
• For our remaining support to be met — we begin our next term on June 1st!
• Medical needs, treatment options & healing for Mary