Chevron Link Book Article Post

Work Summer Program

Summer Program is an amazing opportunity for adult MKs to pour into the next generation of MKs attending MT/MR while forging strong bonds with other adult MKs. This is not an opportunity you’ll want to miss out on. Apply today!




Applications are posted on the ISMK website beginning November 23. Follow the links to “Work MT/ MR/ Reentry” and “Continue to application.” You may fill out the form and submit it electronically.

Please note the special requirements for references:
– You may not use family members, anyone else applying for MT/PFO, any member of the MK office, or anyone currently employed by the Assemblies of God National Office (this includes Regional Directors).
-Examples could include but are not limited to: pastor, employer, coworker, missionaries or missionary associates.
Under the policies of the General Council of the Assemblies of God, no exceptions can be made for the reference requirements.

Also note that you will receive an email to complete a criminal background check later on in the application process.

The deadline to submit applications, reference forms, and background check forms is 12:01 am CST, April 2, 2025.

Placement will abide by the hiring practices of the General Council of the Assemblies of God and all applicable laws.

We abide by all applicable laws as well as corporate policy, therefore all staff/coordinator applicants must be 18 years or older as of June 6, 2025 (logistics must be 18 by May 29, 2025).

All positions involve working directly or indirectly with missionary kids, from infants through high school.  The programs break down as follows:
Nursery/Toddler (Infants-23 months)
Beginner (2 year olds-3 year olds)
Preschool (4-5 year olds)
Early Elementary (Ages 6-9)
Bootcamp (10-18 Year Olds)[MT/PFO Only]/Pre-Teen (10-12)[MR Only]/Youth (13-18 Year Olds)[MR Only]
AD Camp (Ages 10-18)/Reentry (Ages 10-18) [Will be off campus at Eagle Rock for AD Camp]
Program Logistics
MK Office Logistics
Media (photography and videography)

Each program has unique needs.  Workers are selected to work directly with children in an individual program, either as a coordinator or staff.  Additionally, each program needs a logistics coordinator to work indirectly with MKs and provide logistical support.

No, you do not have to be an MK to apply and work the summer programs. MKs have unique experiences that allow them to understand the lives of other MKs. But the ISMK summer program abides by all applicable non-discrimination laws in selecting contract workers.

The MK program is not an 8-5 job. The hours vary from day to day and a certain amount of flexibility is expected with regard to daily schedules. MT/MR staff average 50 hours per week for the duration of the program.

This Summer Program is at Evangel University in Springfield, MO. Staff will be staying on campus.

Please let us know if you have made other arrangements.

You are responsible to arrange your own travel to and from Springfield. The MK program will calculate your travel cost from the destination listed in your application and that amount will be figured into your contract.

Hiring decisions will be decided by the end of April and every applicant will be notified of their status. We are unable to make decisions and notifications prior to that date.