During the month of June, over a hundred staff came to Springfield, MO to help with the MK program for Missionary Training and Missionary Renewal. Most MKs don’t get to attend summer camps or youth groups in their countries, so during Missionary Renewal we took teens and pre-teens to an MK camp where we experienced an incredible move of the Spirit. We heard testimonies of MKs being delivered from addictions and abuse, saw physical and emotional healings, and rejoiced over kids being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Many assume that missionary families don’t struggle with the same issues non-ministry families do. That’s not true! Missionaries face the same challenges any family faces, but because of the spotlight of ministry, MKs and their parents often don’t know where to turn to for help. When MKs are together, there is a bond and understanding that allows them to be vulnerable and ask for the help they need and it is often when we see breakthroughs in MK’s lives. That’s why International Society of Missionary Kids (ISMK) is vital to our missions movement! It creates a global community of resources and understanding for MKs worldwide.
ISMK Highlights
We’ve also launched an MK mentoring program for alumni MKs to mentor younger MKs living overseas. It is another way ISMK is able to provide community for our MKs!