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Who Do I Follow?

In 1 Samuel we read about king Saul and then, king David. Israel was crying out for a king. Up until that day, God was their king. However, they wanted to be like all the other countries around them and have a “regular” king. 1 Sam. 8:6 says, “Give us a king to lead us.” What a bold statement! Wasn’t God their leader? This statement struck me. Are we content today to allow God to lead us, or do we look to others? Are you content with God being your Lord, or do you look for other lords?

Saul was a head taller than every other man. He looked royal! He looked majestic. The people saw him, and they SAW a king. When David was chosen, in 1 Samuel 16:7, the Lord said to His prophet Samuel, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” David seemed like the most unlikely possible king. He was young, ruddy looking, and was nothing but a shepherd. I am a tall person, this stark contrast really made me think. On the outside, we may see someone that looks like they have it all together. Perhaps you have the appearance that you have it all together. However, God looks at the heart. God’s blessing will be abundant in the hearts of those who are set on Him. My challenge for us—“Lord, may my heart be set on You. May nothing keep me from You!”

One interesting aspect of the story between Saul and David is Saul’s son, Jonathan. Although the son of a rejected king, Jonathan showed no bitterness; no anger, and pure loyalty to David. One of my favorite stories in the Old Testament is of Jonathan and his armor bearer. I guess I always see new things when I look at this story.

Another one of my favorite dynamics is the armor bearer. He blindly followed Jonathan. However, his faith was in the right place! Jonathan’s heart was set on God, and God was leading Jonathan. Are we as discerning as Jonathan’s armor bearer? Are we following someone that is following Christ? Who are we looking to? Jonathan’s armor bearer said, “I am with you heart and soul.” In the New Testament, Paul said it like this, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” Who are we following? Are we following Christ in such a way that others can follow us?

Obviously, I could go on and on! These pages are filled with amazing stories. I know that many MKs involved in Fired Up were impacted by these stories. If you are not signed up for Fired Up, I want to ask you to pray about joining us for our next session. We will have more groups this coming fall, and I want YOU to be a part of it! Remember that we are called to be Christ-followers BEFORE we were called to be MKs. It is critical that we are all investing in our relationship with Christ. MK leaders around the world want to help you grow—as do other MKs, your own age! Join the fun! You are already reading the Bible…let’s do it together!

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